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WindRiver Fence
The Original & Safest HDPE Fence.
Made in the USA
WindRiver Fence continues to refine our fence based on our more than 25 years experience. And although we appreciate competition -- after all it is the greatest form of flattery -- other manufacturers who try and challengeproduct and try to onsider this...
For more information:
White Redwood Gray Green Weathered Black
Available in six lasting and beautiful colors

WindRiver vs PVC Fence
If a picture is worth 1000 words a video is worth 128,000
Live test of HDPE vs PVC
Shows big difference @ 13 F
Back in 1999 WindRiver Fence produced this video to graphically show the difference between HDPE and PVC fence in coild temperatures. Rail were placed in a freezer until the part reached 13 F. The bowling ball weighs 16 lbs. and was dropped in a shute from 6 feet.
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